ftfVewa fl a a SATURDAY, N0VEMIZ3 4, Ktl JLJ'l A yiie 1 fcw aa, Caen Cpn 1 P.M. Set. 1 Sua. UTi SKCV TCNfTl V.zr S2vi ICidi Ara rir.j L-t V.zr. cf Ara Awful CMLY tNCACSMINT J'srr nd Patricia Ca-1 Ii'r 11LU Kosd, returned i on Saturday by Ice lan tie "linn after vieitioning Ey TJob Tbore- I OCA HEltNA gfTA a UOo-i AP Wove-TV Wrtler SOftC! HOLLYWOOD By all rijrhts lor month.
They toured Leon Ames should hate children. f-r LAiTumhourf, Heidel' After all, hasn't he spent a luie ns, Leurdes, Venice and Me in Rome they had 1 ienc with Pope John. part ol his professional career playing papa to a succession of kid actors? Isnt he now I -tv- Cahuil Is employed with TV's 'Tather of the I ride, his second series as a -famous fa f-v lb 1G she'd give you that swet look and sr, 'I wasn't doing Ames' car dealership gives him the chance to pick and choose acting assignments these days. So why would he want to under- take another series? "I'm an actor," he explained. "How could I find better working conditions? The pay is excellent and the part is good.
It's a challenge to keep this guy be- lievable and yet funny. Papa Day in 'Life With Father wasn't 1 as Interesting because he was strictly onedimensionaL" i Since "Father of the Bride-concerns a man's travails in set imericin Cyanamid Co. and I.ia is with the Market Research in New York. They art tr. laughters of Mr.
and Mrs. therT Yes to" both questions. So asked him pointblank: "Do you Jofepa CahiU. Mrs. John McLouch.
nate cnuoren? 'No." he replied thoughtfully. "I don't children. How Nil I En and children Jill, Giyle and John Jay, 20 Maple Kill Road, lined out last Saturday with Mra. inH Put last Saturday with Mra. could I've got a son and daughter of my own: As for child actors, I ve worked with some Mrs.
VVUUam B. Sloane. good ones, also some that were WKtM THEY WIRE GCCD THY WERE VERY VERY CCCD EOT WHEN THEY WERE IAD, THEY WERE CEATI not so good. I don't hate them. ting his daughter married, how can the series keep going after the wedding? I "There are all kinda of nota Saturday marked the 22nd I just hate their mothers." Ames gave an eloquent shud ALSO -eddinjj anniversary of Mr.
and Mrs. Jerry Malone, Maple Hill Road. To celebrate the occasion bilities," said Ames. "The one! der as he contemplated the stage mother. He hss special memories "VE VANT A CHILD" "lU lUry of LOVE! LIFE! EIRTH" -Look were doing now concerns the! they had as guests Mr.
and Mrs. of the brood' he worked with in "Life With rather." his previous apartment the kids come home1 to; we have a fight with the Tftya Leeuwnk andMrs. Nich bias Leeuwrik. series ouung in which he starred for two and a half years. 'But my new family is okay," SUNDAY AU CAY oiiser in-law about decorating it At the end of 23 shows, my daughter announces she is pregnant; that opens a whole new field.
Then mv son will he crnw. Mr. and Mrs. William Costeilo, 3 Stevens Road, were guests Mr. and Mrs.
Edward Quiley of he reported. "Myrna Tahey, who ii plays my daughter, is a bright tvutiey Mturaay evening. girl. Ricky Sorenson is a nice I TONiTI I SeetiM I le. JO ing up.
The show could so on 3 boy; he 14, go he old enough and on." Mr. and Mrs. Aurust Franke. not to be any trouble." And he doesn't seem at all un 25 Park Kill Tex, were fuests of Ames, who leads a double life set by the prospect Cater Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Ingelbrecht NUTLET LANDMARK REOCCUMED George R. Englert, Passaic interior decorator, has started renovating the 80-year-old former bank building on Chestnut Street near tha Town Hall in Nutley. The building has been vacant, for two years. The last tenant was the Nutley Mortgage and Title Co. Englert will use the building for interior decorating displays, antiques and possibly as a residence.
as actor and studio city lord dealer, is making "Father of the Saturday at a Halloween mas- Movi erueride. Other guests included Timetable Bride' at MGM Studios. It's like Aeetr AvarS Mr. ana Mrs. Joseph Teiner, Mr.
old times for him, because he (All Tiroea Bakjeet te Chance was under contract there from Hithoat Notice) AU.wnnn 1,200 Attend Meeting sad Mrs. Henry Patter, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Coppola, Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph Beihler, Mr. and 1943 to 1850. 'Doyeftht Peintfr" 'I played a. lot of fathers in ony 4.a: jlladibaard Of Junior High PTA Mrs. Warner Oehme and Mr.
and TECHNICOLOR a-WARNER BROS Bishop McNulty to Confirm 329 at St Philip's Tomorrow those he recalled. "Elizabeth Taylor was my daughter in Mrs. Stephen Johnson. CLUTON About 1.200 par Mluw Steaet. l.
irja, ueaaral two or three pictures; she was a ents attended the "Back to SAT. MATJ "laaeaeee la Jpaa" 'InaWreatiel Mae" Cert Cke. ef "Set Mea aae leeia'' tr Attiefl TariHa sweet little girL eager to learn. School" program on Mondav at Furt. Moan A Arriving home yesterday for a Vave from Ft Meade, McL, was CLUTON A group of 329 Jane Powell was another nice Tomorrow, furpi 'Haoa, the Woodrow Wilson Junior Fie.
rrank NatolL He Is the son children-will be confirmed to one. High PTA meeting. Cantor Nor CArmr 1:90, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Natoli 'Margaret.
O'Brien? She could Torrvirriv, Ma iiur. 1. man Dickey of the Clifton Jew. morrow at St' Philips R. C.
Church. Presiding at tha cere drive you nuts. You be playing Woman. 1, OlechnoTich, Steven Oraen, Richard Pal no, Michael Parkin. Raymond Pelletier, Joaeph Plgnatello, Kenneth PubIo, Mark Radlee and-Robert Relmer.
Joaeph Relmer. Patrick Reymolds, Dennis Robert, Thomas Ryan, William Ruffa, Ruaaelt Butler, Robert Seeaa, John Samtak, Raymond 8a-nlckl, John Santa. John Satkow- HOWTfcreTVtJOAY LATI SHOW birthday scene and look down Tomorrow. lwo Women? i Hi la Tha, Moon, l.lfl, 4.. mony, starting at 4:30 p.m., will be Bishop James A.
McNulty of ish Center delivered the invocation and Robert Williams, president, welcomed the parents. John Mullin, principal, spoke briefly-, and the parents were and there, she the cake or something. say, Margaret, cut that out!" and TIMES SHOWN TODAY 7:00 10:40 raierson. erama HoUoay. JL JU.
Tomorrow, Cia-arama houaay. kl, Robert Schmidt, Bruce given an opportunity to follow Confirmands are: Elizabeth Adtmo. Kauri Alfi.rt By. 1:10. :0.
46; Cartoon, 1U kw Ridina. Younf Docutl a. if, jk tn. Schroeder, Paul Shutowits, John the first four periods of a sched Orsc Ague. Paul Alckaicdrowlex.
oiorrow. Traps famuy. 1. 4aa. 'a as- uled day.
Xoun roctota, 1. j7, 4a. Smith, Joaeph Spada. Kevin Spring, Patrick 6 tamo to, Thomaa Stock, Stephen Btroff, Dennis Bubo. Ron pie- i Sharon Alworti, Nancy Ambroal, J' Ann Ambraat, XJnda Babula, Mrs.
Jess Chinick and Mrs SWid Social Notes From Nutley Rioaia enow, r.nny. icrt Partner, t. I.M. TomorrowTKllia at hoar- ald Joaeph Szlma, John 123 Rock Hill Road. Albion Place Mrs.
Justin Denzel and son Kenneth, 73 Livingston St, visited her mother, Mrs. Stanley Ogoialy of Nwark Valley, N.Y, recently. They mad the trip by plant, Robert Kuhta, son of Mr. and Mrs. Steven Kuhta, 31 Silleck St, will be honored at a family dinner party tomorrow following his confirmation at St.
Philip's R.C Church. His uncle, Richard Kuhta of Passaic, will be his sponsor. Robert's parents are marking their 11th wedding an Caspio a i membership chairmen, reported 923 parents uu mm. b.l miaoi ahmi li.h. i i rauiii narcnezau, Miwicla Bu-kowakl, Joanna Bartlett, Kathleen Bartlett, Rosiaa Bena, UnOa Bettio.
Klleen Booth. Lorraine BaromkL 4 40. 1 11. enrolled in the PTA. Assisting UrUV-Uf fMorrla Flalna) Todav: i m.
au IM ul 1 1. ,1 ad4 Torregreeaa, Dennis Tullno, John Tulino, Gary Tulp, Jeffrey Van Vooren, Allan Tolman, Steven Wanger. Walter Wadaa, Kevin Wade. William Wllaon. John Wind- wmu uiruinui.
9 I 3- fit m. U.W mm rKWUbiai bkihui si duim bmc The Mother's Club of St. on a membership drive were Mmes. Stanford Sax. Michael MEV000 TeKE WfRENBEAITT 30 le-Ot; 1U Gi M7 Lu- I 44.
IJRlVi-lN (Newark) Toaay. Cartoena. WASTNtR BHOS.LJ Paul's Congregational Church will hold its annual bake sale in the parish house on Election Day. Mastropietro, Pierian Cortese, eutcar Kuud Onu, coma berry, Jamea Wood, John Weechln-ko. Michael Wysocki, Anthony Ventlmiglla, Theodore Zakutney and Robert Zawiaba.
Hm "ilWAM Cf CrtlLt-hiH" iter? ml Letlie Paxiipa, bmt, Mneaa Joseph Gordon, P. -T. Radculf, Tomorrow. Strwtcar amed Deaure. Coma SwUmctr.
rjnlVE'lfV P.r.Kii.t mi. Michael Esposito, Milton Mann The Rosary Altar Society of and Harold Rosenberg. Trie F.ndirium. kurlria Holy Family Church will hold a A cake sale will be held at the Suaan Botha, Suaan Brower, Gail Brown, Janat Burdiy, Joan Bute, Diane Calderaro, Joan Campo, Victoria Capuano, Francena Caaalbora, Karen Cerullo, Carol Ceaalottl. Mauraen Chambers.
Majoraen Chapman, Karen Chowder, Kathleen Conuny and Victoria Conn. Janice Com, Judith Crocco, Donna Cudworth, hancy Cullen, Mary Dakak, Laura D'Aleaiandro, Roae Ann D'Aleo, Suaan Data, Betty Davis, Suaan Davis, Jane D'Ettorre. Kathleen De Kike, Jtoae-mary De Luc. Denlaa De Koae, Diana Don a to, Patricia Doushertv. xoirwrrow, raacia ot 19; IieroMt Heart.
Mardi Gras tonight at 7 p.m. in school on Tuesday. Mrs. Thomas 2 SHOWS DAILY SEATS AKI NOT S.ISHYIB Masonic Servici At Allwood Church JJiUVE-lN (frippery Ttxj.jr, tve now jfli fiucflwoaun. x.
c.in- Tomorrow, Love Ana The ttmch- Henry will be in charge. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Horace Daley and class mothers. the school auditorium. Flans for the annual affair include dinner and womin, I 30, Oina.
30. -T 1 Jvpei mma, CLIFTON A Masonic Serv DKIVS-IN (Rulhertord 1 n4av MM. nlht Lece, 64, Satta of Lire. 1S. The Ladies Auxiliary of the Rosary Altar Society Hand In Hand.
U. rjHrvs-IN (Saddle Brook) Today. Com Sep Umber, 10 Bl( Gamble, 1. Tomorrow. Come Septamber, Bta Gamble, ice will be held at p.m.
tomorrow at Allwood Community Church, sponsored by Clifton Lodge, FAA.M. Conducting the service will be John M. GoodelL F. Douglas Ungemah and Arthur J. Blackinger.
To Hold Auction Monday Barbara Dudlak. Patricia Dwyer, Elizabeth Ebersole. Janice Kvana, Patricia Pallon, Mary Plorl. Mar Nutley Lions Club has completed plans for a card party Wednesday in St Paul's Parish House on Franklin Avenue. IHIV-Di (Tolowet Tsdrv Cm, B.n- --ri'tiD yr IN "JCOPI AND TICHNICWOlTiaaJ niversary today.
They have four other children, John, Thomas, James and Mary. Mrs. Kuhta is the former Daisy Moesle, of Pas- Mr. and Mrs. Edward Klos, 110 PlOch Road, were married 13 years on They celebrated tha occasion in New York City, where they had dinner and sav-.
performance of "The Sound of Music." Mrs. Klos Is the former Evelyn Heinrich of Emhurst, 11. They have four children, Edward, Steven and MichacL ember, ltt-at; Bi Gamble, To-morrow. Com Sapiember, JO, lt hit Gambia. :0.
CLUTON An auction will highlight the meeting of the Rosary Altar Society of St Paul FABIAN lPatexeon Tndav n1ulnr Ushers will be John B. Law The Mother and Daughter R. C. Church, at 8:30 pjn. on Club of Temple B'nai Israel will rence, Wilbur T.
Carlough, Frederick M. Hunt and Raymond Van Monday in the parish hall fol lowing the novena devotions. meet for breakfast tomorrow guerite Foley, Carol Friedman, Mary Ann Gademan, Joan Garnevlcua, Patricia Germann, Matla Gosaett, Sheila GraSan, Linda Grelner, Angela Olunta, Roeemary Haddad, Kathleen Hald, Karen Henry, Nancy Helnx, Ulll Boeier and Marlene Hutchinson. Mary Kaaperowlca. Janet Ken-alcki, Marilyn Jane Kopley, MaryeUen Kruplec, Thereea La-koma.
Janet iAleakle. tun Im In The Graaa, 1:0. 10 44, Beware oi Children. Temorrow, Splendor In The Graaa, 1:. 14, tJUi JSewaj ot Children.
4 4, S. riNE ARTS Today and tomorrow. Vaat Set. 1. 30.
Want A Child, I S.ie, K. FRANKLIN (Nutley) Today. Fanny, ei, in, 10-11: Kong stone, JO. Morning. MATIHil MOM.
fRI. PJiC SAT. SJ0 P.M. SUN. PJA, HasseL Arrangements were made by Frank G.
Yingling and Black Mrs. Robert Lotz. is general Baby sitters will ba available inger. A coffee hour will be held afterwards in Fellowship Hall. chairman of the auction, assisted by Mrs.
George rower and Mrs. Leonard Neering. Mrs. Jo in the kindergarten room' of Grace Episcopal Church for all At the 11 o'clock service, six seph De Lora will be head host infants wilL be bsntized bv the I a II I I a ejSBBBBBBSSSSSaBBBSBSMaai All Hie lave Start af the WerW Rll4 lata One! Guest of Mr. and Mrs.
Peter Sharon Lenehan, Sheila Voxxty. Barbara Loveleat. Irene Lratkowakl. pre-school children at the 11 a.m. ess of the social hour.
Rev. Raymond J. Pontier, pastor. services, beginning tomorrow. Leilie CAftON Mrs.
Dean Wry president. Joeut Makowakl, Donna Man tun, Margaret McCann. JNancy McDer- An adult and teen-age girl will -tt it i minuiuw, eeruiy. l.e, 4.33, Hi, a.ev: Hon Konf, 1:30. 4:06, 4.4S.
JO. GARDfcrt (Pateraon) Today. Whtta Oriatmaa, 7. 10 Houaeboat, 1:0. OS, Tomorrow, While Chrfetma.
1:30, 39, Houaeboat, 1M7 GXANT-1XE (Pet laade) Today, Doctor In Ibe Houae. a Carry On Num. SO. Tomorrow, Doctor In The Houae. S.
Carry On Murae, i m. HAWTHOBrTE fHawthern Today. Rand, la Hana. I Pranct ei Axsil, 1 50, 1:. i M.
tomorrow, hand In Hand, I OS, franci of saott, KareD McOowan, Boaemary Girl 99 'J FAN MY on duty to care for the younger set will name a nominating committee to recommend a new slate of officers at the December Chert B0YEK Mauric CHEYALIEIt Herat IUCHH0LZ Alt: Priz Winaet Feaiurttt McHugh, Jill McLoughun, Marilyn McGregor, Thereea McHugh, Kancy Mmlna. Karen Miller. Ann Maria Eltcts petrel Wzadt "LIFILINI tm HONS ICON 3" CLIFTON Members of Girl Kenneth Barry Stern, son of MUllgan, Barbara Mlacla, Margaret Mary Andrea MonoDlL Henry T. Powells Mr. and Mrs.
Daniel Stem, wll become bar mitzvah today at June Montomno, Linda Morna. KiWAK fr-air Lawn) Today, Kiddle1 Scout Troop 89, sponsored by the School li PTA, elected patrol leaders, Tuesday. The three lead- Bastide Jr, 240 Valley Boad, Is hwrnother, Mrs. George Turaosa of Dover-roxcrcft, Maine. i -Tte Answers- i.
(Questions on Tit I) -1, State Sen. Malcolm Forbes IBedminster. 2. Yes, though it is far less significant than the moon. It is noticed during the "spring tide" a higher than normal tide when the moon and the sun are nearly in line with each other.
8, The Maeh (pronounced Model number shows the pro Marking Anniversary 4 p.m. The Mincha service will take place at Temple B'nai Israel. Catherine McTernan, Thereae Mudd, Suaan Munaon, Katherlne Nakaah, Pauline NatcJl, PhulU Nleradka, Kathleen Noonan, eharon CUFTON Mr. and Mrs. era and their assistants are Patricia Siegel and Carol Silverman, Judith Bartlett and Sherry Youth of Grace iDisconal RII IN.
CAR HtATIRS! 1 1 New far Mender Rock Hudson Gina LolSobrigida jjohdu, anarea faduia, camule Papa, Wancy Pataco, Michele Pa-triaao, AdaUne Pennella and Carol Pennella. Henry T. Powell formerly of 311 South Parkway, Clifton, and now of 109 Beckwith St, Rutherford, marked their 10th wedding anni Foiaick, and -Pamela Weiss and Church are invited to attend a corporate communion for the Evelynn Paine. youth of the Archdeaconry of Mrs. Robert Kohl, troop leader, versary yesterday.
Mrs. Powell Axlene Peters. ChrUtin Peters, Deniae Plzaano, Joyce) Purcell. Janet Purn, ChrlaUiie Raboow, laura Ra- announced that Mrs. Albert J.
Essex Thursday at 9:30 am. at St John's Church Montclair. The communion will be followed is the former Miss Elizabeth daughter of Mrs. Wil snow, m.w, ranny. to.
10 Tomorrow Fanny, 4 15, sa js. MALL (Paramua) Today. Saturday Night And Sunday Mominf, 1. :40, 4:1. I JO.
30. 1135. Tomorrow; Salur-day Nifht And Sunday Jaamins. 1-30. 1:11.
S-48. 10:1. MONTA UK Today. Splendor In The Graam, I II, Beware of Children, 13, Tomorrow. Splendor In The Graaa, I.
a.40; Braare ot 0)0-dren. 1. 4 3. 14. Or? MONT (Baat Orann) Today and tomorrow, Beturday hiat And Stinaay torp-, I-M.
f'4, it ANNB (BogotaV-ToAay, School Tor aooundrau. 10: Tn lnr. tainer. tea. Tomorrow, S-hoo) lor Scoundrel, 1:40, I.
The Xmer-Uiner, S. S', R1VOU (Ruthertordl Today, Inde-atructlble Man, 1: Kacacade In Japan, Baunaa And Bobin. Panrrv, li, Day Ot The Painter, t. Tomorrow Tanny. 4:01, I 07; Day Ot The Painter, 1.
1:41, I as. V. S. (Pateraon) Today and tomorrow. Two Women, i la, aaaa la Ta Moon.
1:30. 4:80, an. Siegel, former leader of Brownie Troop St, is now assisting Troop liam Schaffert, of Oak Ridge, dk, Lynn Eidinga. Carol Bio. Dlanne Rlvetu.
laleen Boberta, Madeleine Roblneon, Linda Rica, Margaret RuaaeU, jean. Ruaao, Linda Rseplcki, Patricia Banten. by a light breakfast 'Tht Iig GomtU" portion between the speed of an object and the speed of sound in the surrounding atmosphere. A also a former Clifton resident Berk Badeea C. LellakrlrMa Saaa be Bebby Ban a "COM! SEPTEM8IR" 4t "BIO CAMSLt" Saaaay Meaday Taeaday Tea feaaf Te Baew "GIRL IN LOVER'S LANI" A BearUf Bet Beea THI WILD RICE" A cook -out on Garrett Moun Mr.
and Mrs. Powell, who have two sons, Richard and Roger, tain has been planned for next number higher than Mich 1 The Junior High School Meth odist Youth Fellowship. of Yin Kathleen Scelba, Chrutine Seho-brl, Jane ftchoen. Komdiit ahowr a speed greater than the will entertain in celebration of cent Methodist Church will hold Schwelghardt, Chrtatlne Bhutowita, the event, at a family gathering for 20 guests over the weekend. week.
John Ftrfaks Mark Silver Anniversary apeed of sound. It is named for Emst Mach, Austrian physicist 4. Justice Potter J. Stewart, a supper meeting tomorrow at 4:30 p.m. The program will be Patricia Bcozaarl, Patricia Sea, Cathleen Seemann, Donna See-mann.
Bileen Shannon, Kathleen Sheridan, Deborah Bkutnlk, Pamela Smagula, Carol Soriano and Helen Sotiro. "Discovering Why." appointed oy President Eisen bower in 1958. CLIFTON Mr, and Mrs. Ajlwood Fellowships To Hear Ex-Missionary 5. Two, both born in Morris- John Fertak, 37 I.
Sixth Tereaa Sninola. Eialne Staufen. Lakcvisw Notes Troop 25 ef St Brendan's Girl town. Mrs. William Henry Har celebrated their 35th wedding CLIFTON The Junior High i Tent'wl De Mna It I wi- a raaa.aawaJ laMawi "HAND IN HAND" lad Tealfe: Derhj Boy "Midnight Loco" eaHaee "PACTS OP iipr anniversary Oct.
28 at a buffet nson, born in 1775, was the daughter of CoL John Cleves Youth Fellowship of Allwood VINCiMT PkcI ldfr Allen Pee'f "PIT end Ik PENDULUM" 'MARINtStrrSBO- Seadev rhra Teeadey redferd DHIetea "FRANCIS OP AS5ISI" Steeft Wlripa supper at their home. More than Scouts held a Halloween party yesterday. Kathleen McNamara burger, Kathleen Stemato, Nancy Suriano, Dtana SKeliga, Loraine Rrananaki, Mary EUen Thornton, Elvira Tenore, Kathryn Torley, Joan Van Houten, Deniae Veronea, Arlene Vlelra, Carol Vltovlc, Barbara Ward, Carol Ward, Suaan Widmann, Pa Symroes, Revolutionary War veteran and chief Justice of New Community Church will meet for recreation on their Christmas projects at 6 p.m. in 20 persons attended. The Fertaks have a son, Ken "Act Tke Preeieime1 "A Merra4aa Seta la This Caaatry and Aareedl received the prize for the most original costume.
Diane Firmen- Jersey Supreme Court The sec. neth. Mrs. Fertak is the former Fellowship Hail. "THI ItRCEST hiAIT" tricia Wild.
Candae WUk. Kathryn ir mjs. Muiara iumore was Mathilda Korkos of Clifton. der had the funniest costume and Alice Puzio. the nrettiest At 7:30 o'clock a joint session Wllaon, Jacqueline Wolf, Joan Wolf.
Stephanie Wocnak, Rosemary Allwood Notes the' former Mrs. Caroline Car. michael Mcintosh. with the Senior High Youth Fel lowship will be held. Miss La.
vina Hoogeveen. a former mis xuppa, aiary tacx, uiana zax ana H.T. Itoet savNahj Judges were Diane Wurst and Kathleen arid Christina Ula-szewski, auiEabetn Zienaen. Leonard Addabbo. "WUllam Adel Mrs.
Emil Johnson, 82 Brook-wood Road, entertained at a Hal sionary in Arabia, will speak. She helm, Richard Allen, Robert Ambroal, Richard Anderson, Allen loween party for the children of i A hat sale and social will be is now teaching at Dumont High HL2 1 NOW THRU MONDAY 2 CwrtTINUOUS DAILY PROM J. SnuW TONITI STRICTLY FOX ADULTS lcncrctsic Artmann, Randolph Barbierl, Chart Bartlett. Michael BertoUl. her third grade class ef the 9:30 a.m.
Sunday school of Allwood held Monday evening, Nov. 13, by the Maronot Society of. the CONTINUOUS PROM 1 PJd. Kenneth Blaclottl, William Broean, Jeffrey Brvenlk, Joaeph Callae, Ken "A fwiKV ptetwer ertfglry a leyeearr aleyed'-N. Y.
Time iicnooi. Intermediate Scouts Hike to County Park 1r ettT. Community Church, Monday. Mrs. Johnson was assisted by her La neth CallM, Joaeph Cannariato.
i-akeview Height a Reformed Church. Mrs. Williard Barton is in charge of arrangements. faBBY Paul Capacclo, Carl Casta.no, Arthur son, reter; John Bobeia and George Erbach, who was home CLUTON Intermediate Girl i caronne, Tnomas carter, Michael Carte, Brian Chlkowkl, Mark Clark, James Cron berry, Gerald Cronin, Thomas Coldiron. Richard Mr.
and Mrs, Gerald Grossman Scout Troop 37, sponsored by St Paul's R. C. Church, started the for the weekend from Rutgers University. Entertaining at her home, 26 Coetello, Leonard Daidone, Charie and children, Swany, Sidney and Bert, of 43 W. Seventh Street have moved to Allentown, Pa.
season with a hike to Garret Mountain. The scouts walked Dabaghlan, Kevin Daly, Richard AIR-C0HCHTI0NC9 LVAurla, Louis De Lotto, Walter De Ridgewood Road. Mrs. Herman from the church to the county PLUS led HIT 1 KINNITH MORI "Mod in tht Moon" W. Burkhardt had as mests Lotto, Donald De Luca and Doug' la De Marco.
ii Crookdalt Church Mewe Am. aVaelaaea Barea. I Wednesday evening Mmes. Fred Joaeph De Roe. James Dennehy, park, under the direction of Mrs John Diffily, coleader.
Two new leaders who accom mi PAYNS CSCH. Michael Dl Tondo, Ronald Dobkow- Strvicts Tomorrow. erick M. Hunt, Victor H. Smith, Norman G.
Hertet and John kt, Michael Dolan. Daniel Dudiak, Vincent Du Jet, Thosnaa Ebwaole. laaeeeeeeaeaaeteae'j BreokOale Bantlat -Cliarch The Rev. Charie w. Baator Vasu, Jr.
SVJ Ut TUtAV OtNLY i4 trw-IAl lLfCTIH BAY KlttDll SHOW! bchalv Shawlnf Lt Der panied the troop are Mrs. George Randall and Mrs. Fritz Oldenburg. They flew up with Brownie John Eitpaits. Robert Bulo, Thorn-aa Krera, Kevin Pita Maurice.
An Service 11 ajri, 7 p.m. Girl Scouts Mont Tulips I I 1 I I I I drew Poster, Dennteon Proehner, Bethany 1 1 4 rTeattrterlaa Chert-h Tha Rev. Euren W. Allan, baator. 11 aw.
Bibia CLIFTON Girl Scout TrooD Troop 17 fly-ups. Mrs. John ci nly is coleader. Oh eater Purmanrt, Theodore Gaida. Us j.fr------ M-nt.
DAKCL3' irevt sum. hits Twe Orekeerrea eraie WlrkevaU Joaeph Oallo, GeraM Kraft, Thomas Brhool idO a.m. 91, sponsored School 2 PTA, planted tulip bulbs last Thurs rommnnlty Chorra ef Brook dale Giaeoee, eaivatore Ulampapa, Kevin Oilllgan. Gregory Oombain, Jamea Oraaf. Buene Grady.
Thomas Graf, day in the school yard. Theyi Jaycets Cssr' Carrel To Arrive In Clifton naa as their guests their mothers. A telephone squad of mothers was elected. Serving will be CLIFTON Members of the Walter Gruff urn, Daniel Grant, Thomas Grazlano, Robert Ouizlo, Robert Harold, John Rarren, Thomaa Hodupukl, Jamee Hubert. Michael II aria.
Kenneth Irtk. Rob c'mtlimsn required Mmes. Emu Kohler, Joseph Man T3 IAX JACaITSI Westwood Junior Chamber of Commerce will visit the Clifton Ti BEaa i PASAM0S ner and Raymond Royal. Scout Tle Sweat FreJi re March -Bw Lezxera "THE YOUNG DOCTORS" ThriH te "The Seeaa ef Meaic" "THE TRAPP FAMILY" ert Januas, WiUlam JolUSe, An The Rev. Prarea K.
Prlndle, Baator. Service, 11 anj Sundar achool. JiO ajn. WstebBBf rreshytertaM Chnrrh Tha Rev. Da rid H.
Mawaon, paster Berrlc a.m. St. Xbnma tbe a poetic R.C. Cknrcb The Rev. Michael Marnier, paator.
Bund ay maaaea, 7, (. S. '10. 11 am. and la noon.
Chnrrh tha Adeent (Rptaeonal) The Rev. Waldron Coon, rector. Communion, a.m.; aervlca. choral earrlce. it a.m.
I I "JAtsjfc iy thiath 2 nnrir viri PATISSON SINd CR0SIY DANNY KAYI la Karen Tietjen was elected troop scribe. Mrs. Joseph Paolucci and Mrs. Richard Foster are on the i ar a aa thony Jonelll, Brian Kenefick, John Kennedy. Donald Kocaia, Gregory Klewln, Joseph Rio.
Robert Kuhta and Chirlwi Kuruc. club at a meeting at 8:15 Monday night at Burns' Country Inn. The visitors will bring with them a beer barrel bank, provided by P. Ballantine and Sons, Newark. The barrel is making the rounds of all Jaycee clubs in, Jeffrey Krulan.
PYaneis la Kocea, ValWytd. transportation squad. Scout Troca Intsecred' CILLEVUE Jceeph La Rocca, Chriatopher Laa- fcellawee Ave. 'TKnEttsmsiu- Abe "H0U5II0AT" UPPIR MONTCLAIR PI 4-1455 kowich, Thomaa Ijrttch, Timottiy Liebau, Richard Liptak, Ronald Liptak. Dennis Lorn bard Kenneth Iriibardo Gene Long, Richard the state to promote friendship.
tXCIlHtT Neath ieraey Jhearma 1 Aeia Parkiee Laa Saaeitiaa Lynch. Peter Luk, Michael Mn- Yerfey Me! KMrfi Shew CLIFTON Boy Scout Troop 54, sponsored by the School 13 PTA, held a parents' night recently at the school. A troop inspection was also held. Reviewing the troop were Ernest tfv, 0t Mala St, ruo. Prank Mareell.
Niehola Ma Will. I Tenne free) P.M. rino. Kevin Martin. Joaeph Mafhlaa, Church Strvic.s In Nutlxy Tsrasrrow Holy trftiirv I.BthHrae chnrrh Tha ner.
Henry J. eeraobln, paatcr. rrlce, 11 a.m1 Bunday achool iito a.m. Grae Eptaeepal Chnrrh Th Rev. Welle Bum.
rector. Beryice latt Oreea OR J-lOQ ii 'JJ la Tech- Kevin McQrane, Jerome McKenna, Terenoe McKenna. Brian McTer II I I Hiteman, neighborhood eommis aleolor nan, Herbert MnegTle. James Mil Sal.t -l Sea. Mea-teare.
prl. ti4-S: sioner, and members of the troop Mewiae Cktvalier leall Cerea Cherlea Beyer committee. Baal a.ece "BeeM at Ua PDSt WIOWT AWB11" si NiiAi nmisr," Slltart Ptaeay amriay Aea field Eeeeaame4e ler Aalla Only lar, Wllltem Miller, Thomas Min-netla, Dcvid Mcnremoth, John Moron, Thomaa Jiuwral, Bdvard Nouakownkt, Jamea OKeefe. Paul and 11 bjb. Sunday echoed, :0 ajn.
SocUfy Men Jay ClJ annual card party SPOUSES IY ST. STAN'S HOLY NAME SOP ETY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 5th, 1961 OmaxHitiwg at 4 TM. TafceaeiJetrte St. Stcnislcus Auditorium Mr ntrrr ukza avxkui carfiild, n. j.
rr3M TlBeeat Mth4tt Chireh Th ASA Rev. Dr. Robert D. Blmpeon. pastor.
Senrlea 11 aa. Bunds school. 90 ajn. uiax ruxv ine ciirton stamp Society, sponsored by the Clifton Recreation Department, will Mir i a NOW THkti TwaadAYI tail. 4 Qveea Anae t----i Ieee, N.
J. "SCHOOL POR KuiwiAEli" with Tarry-Theme- Ftanalia Refnmted rhsrch Th Rev. Arthur C. Rooen-Raad. nastrtr.
met at 8 p.m. Monday in the SPIRITUAL REACia Character Clifton Public Library. Piaget ROCK HUB30N hj "come smmur' Plul 'A STREETCAR NAMED fcESIRI pert I.ICMTIB parkins; Sierra Temerrew (Sueeayl 'Kir? of tht Roaring 23V 4 New: "teeret Pete" Berrlc 11 ia Sunday achool JO a.m. ti t. taaeayi Avenue and Third Street.
Local stamp collectors are being sought Bt. PenFi Consvegatlonal CriBreli The Rev. John Harlan Ellott. i 1 Mela Heekeaeecll f'J llae wfrh La a nee Mlrlee 3 for membership in the organka- Baator. Bervlc.
StSO and il Sundaj school, I AO jb 'i ejT- Skf 1" i.