The Commercial Appeal from Memphis, Tennessee (2024)

1 1 1 1 MEMPHIS, SUNDAY MORNING, MARCH 21, 1948 SECTION II 17 THE COMMERCIAL APPEAL, The Bond Market NEW YORK. March today's high, low and closing prices of bonds on the New York Stock Exchange and the total sales of each bond: Corporation Bonds Sales in $1000 571 42 do 80 58 95 81 do cV4 33 CenP 1st4s49 7 1 99 36 inc 2019 36 00 45 94 1 Erie 2015 11 1C 48 53 33 do 66 18 1CCEL 5863A LehV 562003st M-K-T 58 62 A do al 58 67 Mo 49 93 55 do 56 77 60 do 55 18 do 80 do 45 75 36 NYC 58 2013 do 11 do en 48 98 19 NorfW 4896 10 NorP 582047D 5 do 48 97. 3 PenR.R 55868. 1 do 1 SILSF 65 de 4:97 431 SALinc4 24 ShellU Soc-Vac 34 Pac 881 3 do SIdONI de 50. West Un 5:60 WisCen 4898 Foreign Sales in $100 Brazil 8841 5 do 6 26-57 Copenh 5852 Denmk Norway 4 865 Peru 6860 Bond sales Previous day Week ago Year AgO Net High Low Close Chge.

611 923 61 92 49 611 103 59 104 104 104 66 65 66 96 80 80 91 76 70 691 65 65 127 93 102 102 102 1061 101 101 54 55 65 64 85 93 RR 88 88 89 89 89 941 94 94 98 88 88 88 66 65 65 Bonds Net High Low Chge 50 50 50 63 63 63 60 60 60 72 72 72 $2.460.000 3,378,000 933,000 1,381,000 Texas Valley Prospects Because No much interest. in being taken in the cotton crop prospect in the Valley section of Texas. since first receipts of the new season come from there. A. Wooten, vice president of the First National Bank of Memphis, has made a trip down there to see in person.

Following is his report: visited Mission, Haringen, Brownsville sections. Talked with officials of oil mills, banks, Department of AgriculLure et Reports that recent cold spell did serious damage to cotton exaggerated. Agricultural officials estimate between 60.000 and 75,000 acres being replanted, which will be completed this week. Permits have been issued for about 560.000 acres and expected will be around 600.000 before the dead line. April 1.

Last year permits issued for 484.000 acres and 424.000 planted. Planted acreage this year will exceed last year by about 100.000 acres. Based on increased acreage and assuming normal growing conditions, crop should be around 325.000 bales as compared with 254,000 last year. Soil preparation and conditions excellent. As a result of heavy rains, ample supply of moisture, Fertilizer supply limited, but seed and labor ample.

Generally estimated that about 150.000 acres up to good stands and of excellent color. Crop averages less than a week late and with favorable conditions maturity date should be about normal." -BAGS Cotton and Burlap Bagging For Wrapping and Linters LOUIS S. STEIN BAG CO. 427 Tennessee Phone 8-0504 Memphis, Tenn. HOLLOMAN CRIB FILLER CORN 5 Stalks-26 Good Ears Grown by a Customer White corn does not grow tall, matures to roasting ears in 65 days.

I have the finest display of show stalks, sent in by my customers, you or anyone has ever seen. No other corn can equal it. Come and see it. Many customers reported yields of 100 bushels per acre. 1 peck $2.00 bushel $4.00 bushel, or more, per bushel $7.50 Add 256 Per Peck Postage.

Garden Size Packages Enough to plant two 100-foot rows. Start planting March 1st. Two or more nice sweet tasting ears per stalk. Keep planting all spring and summer. Have roasting ears all the time.

Price 25c, Postpaid. L. C. HOLLOMAN 248 N. Front St.



A. ALL A low pressure area extending through the center of the Fotocast Map Sunday afternoon will bring a widespread amount of precipitation to the Eastern half of the Nation. Note how the warm moist air is streaming out of the Gulf into the United States. Readings will continue warm in the Eastern half of the United States Sunday afernoon. The will climb to the 50s and 60s in the Northern states and the 70s mercury and 80s in the Gulf area.

New York Stock Exchange (Continued from Page 16) Net Sales in Low Close Chg. IN RR .72 8 10 10 Ind Rayon 3 8 43 42 Inger-Rand 6a 2 125 124 125 2 Inland 22 37 36 Inspt CC 18 17 18 Int Corp 43 43 41 Int. Rubber 3 3 Inl Iron 1.20 gl 16 13 13 Int Mch 6 136 136 Harvester4a 14 87 85 87 I 1.601 27 26 27 Int Mining 3 Int NC 1.60 60 27 26 27 Int Paper 38 33 48 Int Ry Cen A 101 Int Salt 54 54 54 Int Shoe 40 Int Silv 50 49 Int Tel 97 13 13 Intype 40e 24 25 Island CC 32 32 32 Jacobs F. L. 10 XJ pl .20 88 88 J-M'ville 1 7 106 106 106 do pf Sti 49 Joy Mfg 2.40a 101 35 -K- Kan City So 35 29 28 Kayser 1a 1 15 15 15 do Wh 18 K-HyWA 48 2 A K'cott Cp K-Clark 1.40 5 19 xdo pi 20 961 Kin GR 11 Kop Co 1.60 31 31 Krag 88 6 33 33 Kroger 1 43 43 43 Lac Gas .20 00 51 La Con pt .85 Pm Lambert C11 22 22 22 Lane Bry 1 Lee 2a 371 371 37 Lehigh 1 Lehigh 32 Lehigh Val Co to do pi 3..

do 2 Leh Val RR. Leh Corp 45 Lehn Fink Lerner Lib-0-F Glas2 Libb Lily-Tulip Lima- Ham .60 Lion Oil 2.. 33 32 33 Liquid Carbol 19 Lockheed Airc 79 201 20 Loew's 15 18 171 Lone StaCe3 62 Lon- -B LA2.30g Lorillard 18 Lout Lou Nas3.52 Lukena Lowenster St1.40a 21 Mack Truckle Macy RI 2 do pf Mad Magma Cop Magnavox Manati Marac 01.10 gl Marath Corpi Marine Marsha Fiel GL 31 Martin- Par .60 Masonite Cola Master E12.40 Mathie All May Dep St3 do xdo 3.40 pf .20 Maytag Co McCall Corp McCory 81.40a McGraw-HIl McInty P2.018 McKes R2.40 McQua-N 1.40 Mead .20 Melville Mengel Co 1A Mercant Merck Merr-C Menta Miami -Con P3 Minn-Ho Re2a Minn- Moline Min Min Minn Miami Co Mo-Kan-Texa do pi 55 Mohawk Mojud Hos.80 Monsanto Ch2 Montg Ward2n Moo- MC Motor Pro Motor Whe. 40e Motorola Mueller Br. Mullin Mfr.

90e Murph Murray Munsing Corp 040400 Nash Kel 20 AN CARE Lie Acme 28 Nat Airlines Nat Au 60 Nat Avin Nat Batt Nat Bist1, 20e 00 Nat .608 Nat Can Nat Reg Nat Lin Nat Cent 1.20 Nat Cylin Nat Pr 1.80 Nat stor 1a Nat Distil 2 Nat E. st Nat. Gyp aNt Lead 18 00 Nat Lin 8v 60 Natl Steel Nat Nat supply Nat Ten Nat Fib Nehl Corp Newb J.J 2 Eng New Ind xdo ship NY A Br NY CEN RRI 75 NYChi At 10 do pl 3k NYC Omnib NY Shin xNYSE Nepco Ch Nor 3. Am Av 113 Am Co 1b 51 Nor 10 North Pac 14 95 Northw Airl 401 31 101 101 13 13 20 10 11 20 20 20 21 16 16 51 51 31 38 84 84 83 83 83 34 34 34 50 50 DO 32 21 20 21 81 81 81 22 22 14 49 37 37 10 54 54 51 14 124 12 19 19 19 12 11 12 35 35 35 14 14 16 15 16 20 20 20 40 40 85 84 24 12 13 161 28 12 23 231 85 85 31 31 12 14 15 16 29 29 20 19 20 17 DPL 14 BLUE TAG GRADE MISSISSIPPI STATE CERTIFIED Grown on our farm in Washington County, Mississippi. Carefully selected and privately ginned, Machine delintend and treated.

Packed in bright, new burlap bags. Prices Co.b, Greenville, Mississippi. Per $165.00 REFUGE PLANTING CO. Greenville, Miss. Box 156 Phone 282-M COTTON PLANTING SEED DPL-14 STATE CERTIFIED BLUE TAG DELINTED TREATED 100-Lb.

NEW BAGS BRYAN FARMS OSCEOLA, ARKANSAS PHONE 700 Tennessee and KentuckyPartly cloudy and quite warm Sunday, becoming cloudy with showers in late afternoon and night. Clearing and cooler Monday. Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama siderable cloudiness Sunday and Monday. Showers north Sunday night. Cooler north Monday.

Arkansas Mostly cloudy Sunday. Showers Sunday aiternoon. Cooler north and west Sunday night. Monday partly cloudy, cooler. U.

S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE WEATHER BUREAU High Low 12-hr. Yester- Fri. Raindav Night fall Advance 81 46 Amarillo 71 35 Atlanta 71 35 Boston 62 43 Brownsville 84 70 Chattanooga 85 70 Chicago 70 34 Cincinnati 77 51 Denver 57 32 Fort Smith 84 54 Galveston 75 66 Jackson 82 60 Jacksonville 88 Kansas City 77 54 Knoxville 82 69 Little Rock 83 61 Los Angeles 61 41 Louisville 82 51 MEMPHIS AIRPORT 82 69 Miami 83 61 Minn-St. Paul 63 32 Montgomery 86 69 Nashville 83 66 Orleans.

82 72 New York 69 44 North Platte. 70 33 Okla. City 76 50 Portland 37 Phoenix 64 51 Pittsburgh 79 50 Salt L. City. 33 21 .01 San Francisco 53 Seattle 46 36 104 Shreveport 83 68 Springfield 81 49 St.

Louis 83 50 Vicksburg 88 63 Washington 81 Williston 37 Net Sales in Low Close Chg. 61 1 49 46 1 49 3 a 6 11 10 11 West Air 21 22 55 65 5 13 13 TwenC-Fox2 14 21 21 TwCityRapTr 2 6 6 TwinCoach 6 10 10 -U- Udylite 11 Underwd 48 48 48 70a 29 29 Un Carbide 2e 19 101 99 101 19 25 25 25 Un Pacific 8e 9 162 162 UnTkCar 2.60 34 34 do pf 86 UnitAire 63 28 28 Unit sc la 19 19 du nt Unit Carb 2 Unit -C Fast 2 0002 32 12 xd pf 10 Unit Corp 155 do pf Unit ElCoal 19 18 19 39 39 39 Unit Fruit 2a 16 1a 1.355 4. 20 20 USGypsum 98 98 98 USIndCh 2 37 37 USLeather 6 6 61 Lines 18 18 181 .45 83 2.80 43 43 43 xdo pf .10 90 901 USRubper 2e 12 421 42 42 do 1 8 2 127 127 127 17e 8 43 44 USSteel 85 73 72 721 do pf 1 131 131 131 USTobac 1.20 18 18 Un Univ W'pap Lab -V- VanNorm VanadCrp 16 131 161 Vert-USg 1 13 13 Vick Ch 1.20a 24 24 24 Va do 3k 96 96 96 81 1 pf 1.20 17 xdo pf 5 70 114 114 114 3 34 33 34 Wal'ter a W' w'thCo 10 10 WardBk 11 11 11 WarnerBP 12 11 11 WarrenPet .80 26 25 24 25 Wauk Mot 1 18 18 18 Wayne KM 3 17 Wayne 2 28 28 Webster Tob xd pt 20 83 83 83 a 22 21 xW Pn El A 20 105 105 105 13 40 40 West Air Ln 8 8 Maryland 17 9 do 2nd pf 26 26 West Pac 31 30 31 West UnTel West AirBr 36 West El W'vaco 1.40 36 Wh Steel 41 White Mot 1a 20 20 20 Mch WilcoxOil 208 W-Overland Co Wilson -J Wise El Pw Wood'd Iron Woolworth 2a 441 W'ton 60 581 Wright Ae 5g 1.10 80 79 WJr 61 61 61 WyandW .408 91 Yale 30 York Corp 18 4a 73 1 gSti Door 1a 16 L- Zenith Rad 1 A 23 22 23 Zonite Pr 0 5 5 Stock sales Saturday 000 Previous day 000 Week AEO Year AgO Unit trading 10 shares. Ra en of dividends in the foregoing table Are annual disbursements based on the Inst quarterly or semi-annual declaration. Unless otherwise note, special or extra dividends are not included.

eld Called -dividend. rEx-rights. Also extra or extras. bPlus stock divi. dend.

dCash or stock. Declared or so far this year. Payable in stock. Paid last. year.

Declared or paid after stock or stock, Accumulated dividend paid or declared this year. INVESTING COMPANIES NEW YORK, March (National Association Securities Dealers, Ine. Bid Asked Aeronautical Sec 5.75 6.31 Affiliated Fd Inc 3,86 4.22 American Business Shares 3.70 4.06 Boston Fund Inc 18.65 20.16 Bullock Fund 16.71 18.31 Century Shares Tr 27.96 30.06 Chemical Fund 12.64 13.68 Dividend Shares 1.39 How Bal Fd 23.14 24.74 Eat How Stk 14.63 15.64 Fidelia Fund Inc 22.70 First Mutual Tr Fd 5.15 Fund Investora Ino 13.06 Gen Capital Corp 41.33 Group Sec Automobile 5.95 Group Red Aviation Group Hee Chemical Group Bed Low Priced Group See Merchandising 6.99 Group See Petroleum 7.54 8.18 See Equip 4 4.51 Group Sec Stock 4.96 See Steel 4.91 5.33 Group Group See Utilities 4.61 01 Incorp Investors 21.16 Keystone Custodn Custodn Keystone Custodn 8 Keystone Custodn to 3 11.99 13.0 Keystone Custodn 4 4.32 4.71 Manhattan Bond Fund 7.20 do 2nd Fund Inc 10.86 11.74 Massachusetts Invest Tr 24.51 26.50 Nation Wide Bal Fd 12.96 13.91 Nati Investors 8.79 Natl Sec Ser-Bond 6.61 Natl Sec Ser-Pref Stk 6.85 Natl Sec Ser-Income 4.38 Natl Sec Ser-Stock 5.20 Nati Sec Ser-Ind Stk 6.15 Natl Sec Ser-Low Stk 3.66 Natl Sec 8-Speculative 3.25 New York Stks Divers Inv 10.37 New York Machinery New York Stock Metals New York Stocks Oils 16.81 New Stka 7.53 New York 8tka Steel 7.97 Nor Am Tr 8h 1955 3.20 Nor Am Sh 1956 2.60 Putnam Fund Selected Am Sh 10.47 11.32 State Street Invest 42.00 45.00 Wellington Fund 16.50 18.01 WHEN to BUY and WHEN to SELL The bulletin "MARKET ACTION INVESTMENT OUTLOOK' is issued once week. does not give you a lot of "ifs, ands or buts" and reasons why such and such stock attractive or otherwise. It tells you EXACTLY WHAT TO DO.

In order to prove to you that we have what you want, we will sand you copy FREE. Simply write for Bulletin CA. Wetsel Market Bureau, Inc. (Incorporated 1928) EMPIRE STATE BUILDING, NEW YORK RARE BARGAIN To Contractor or Wood Worker COLLIERVILLE WOOD PRODUCTS, Inc. PLANT and EQUIPMENT Plant equipped to build cabinets and do millwork.

Sheet metal building of 10,000 square feet on lot 140x180 ft. will sell plant or machinery or both. CASH OR TERMS Call A. G. Manning 5-7381 or Write 1020 Dermon Bldg.

The Curb Market NEW YORK. Feb. is selected list of transactions on the New York Curb Exchange. Stocks Net Sales in Low Close Chge. Air Aireon Assoc Mig 9 Adam Hat 1 Alum Ltd Sa .50 176 176 3 Alum 11 Am Bant Car 7 2 2 A Am 16 34 34 34 Am Argus Inc.15e 5 5 5 Ark Nat Gas 13 do A 26 Ashl 1 5 14 14 14 Atlantic Fi 2 Wil 2e 5 55 54 55 Bald Rub.

70b 1 Barium Stl 39 Basic Reft .40 6 Bellanca Aircl 2 Blue Rid .40 gl 21 co Ca Brn-F Dis 808 5 213 21 Buckey PL.80 11 11 Burry Biscuit 13 Callite Tung 18 Catalin Am 9 Cess Air 43 4 Airl 2 6 do vtc 31 Cities Serv 2 541 37 35 37 Colon 21 Colonial Airl 11 00 00 Colo war 11 4 Colts gl 8 371 3a 1.25 751 Cons 8 77 Cons Tex 11 13 12 13 Copper 2.50| 10 10 10 Cosden Petrol 71 Creole 411 41 Crown Peti 31 54 Crown 3 Cu Atl Sug2al 17 Den MEgA. 9 Ea 2. 69 66 69 dopr pf 4 25 77 77 El 11 11 Equity Corp 331 Eureka Ltdl 121 Fair Cam.30g| 6 13 13 Fairchild 80 Fanst Met gl 14 13 14 Ford 1 181 Garrett .80 23 13 131 Gen Bid 00 4 Gen Share.21gl 3 3 Glen Goldfield Con 5 3 20 11-16 1-16 20 Gray Mfg 111 Hearn DSt 1 Hecla Min 6 11 Holl Go.24 Humble el 24 711 70 Ill Pow 2 27 27 Imp OLtd 34 12 12 InACN a 1. 96 96 Int Petrol 131 Int Prod 14 Inv Roy Jeannette Gla Kaiser-Frazr 1241 Kings Prd .20 Kirby .20 15 Lake .72 10 10 10 Lone 8 1 14 19 Lou 1a 22 M'A Mfg M'C Corp 24 3 24 McWill .60 10 Mem Menasco Mfg 23 MS PBvtc 28 MWest 6t 18 9 Molybd'm 10 8 Mt City Cp. 7 9-16 9-16 9-16 Mount 15 NB Hess 101 3 Nat .80 9 12 Nat Mch 1 Zinc 60 Ld NYSfdsh 1 17 17 17 Niag Pow 43 Niles-B-P .60 12 11 Noma 1.20a 5 15 14 15 Ogden Corp 3 Pant 0 1.28| 70 Pennroad 10 6 5 6 Pa- Cm war 6.20 43 Pepperell 3a 50 Piper Airc 8 Polaris M.05e| 16 RKO opt war 141 2 2 2 Raytheon 89 Reed 1 RioGVG 2 2 Root Pet 24 24 24 Ryan Cons 9 9 Salt Dome Oil Schulte A 2 Segal 5 Selected Indus 46 2 Sentinel Rad Shat-D 2 3 3 3 Simp Pat 11 63 Singer 6a.

.10 230 Solar Airc 22 12 South Roy 39 39 39 Stand St Ky 1.40a 27 27 27 Sterl Eng T'nicolor 1 13 13 Ton Min Trans-L 4 Tri-Conte Tung-S 6 Unexcel Unit A Prod Unit Corp warl Unit Gas Unit 27 19 Unit 8 2.25 55 551 Utah-I 8 Val Corp Venez Pet WVa 35el W-Harg .16 16 2 2 LOCAL SECURITIES (Quotations Nominal) BANK STOCKS Bid Asked Bank of Commerce Trust liquidation certificate. 5 First National ($20 par 2.40) 63 66 Nat. Bank of Commerce ($25 par) 12 100 103 State Savings .200 210 TriState Bank 120 150 National (10 par) 15. 39 41 MISCELLANEOUS STOCKS Commerce Title Co. 2.00....110 116 Dobba Houses, 50c E.

L. Bruce 48 50 Federal Compress 2.00 26 28 Memphis Street Railway 73 78 Peabody Hotel 90 100 Tennessee Brewing 25 Union Compress 20 United Transit Co. common do pid. 28 30 4 Wm. R.

41 42 MISCELLANEOUS BONDS Highway 3 1970-72 2.45 75 xMinsissippi Highway 1959 2.40 3 .30 do 2149 .94 96 do 1961 88 1957 1.80 1.70 xdo 38 1954 1.60 1.50 Memphis 58 1953 1.60 1.50 xdo 1969 2.50 2.30 Memphis Street Railway .95 97 County 4:1955 1.80 1.60 Mississippi Levee ba 1953. 1.70 1.60 Francis Levee 1984 3.25 3.00 xYazo0-Miss. Levee 1951 1.40 1.30 a -Paid in 1947. b-Including extra. COTTON OPINIONS W.

Richmond Co. Market acts tired and with better weather may drift lower in absence of new stimulant from Washington. Continue to feel that buying should be confined to easy spots. 0. A.

McFall-Domestic consumption 600,000 bales under corresponding data last Exports down 1,200,000. Total 1,800,000. With only four and half months of this season left and new crop coming. can only see short lived upturns, notwithstanding Jap loan and Marshall Plan. Lea to J.

E. Bennett Co. -After advancing early market declined in sympathy with weakness in grain and closed within few points of bottom. No news and volume relatively small. PROTEIN CLOSING LOWER Most Of Transactions Both Pits In July Position Only small volume of trading was done during the short session in cottonseed meal, nine July at a down.

$78.25, In with soybean closing meal bids $2 2700 to tons were traded, also all in July, 25 taken at $78.75 and two additional ones at $78. Close was 90c to $1.50 to the bad. COTTONSEED MEAL High Low. Close Pr.Cl. March 80.00n 80.00 May 77.00-79.00 78.75 July 78.25 78.25 77.00-78.00 78.00 Oct.

68.00-71.00 78.00 Dec. 64.00b 65.00 Jan. 62.00b 62.50 SOYBEAN MEAL High Low Close Pr.Cl. March 80.00-81.00 80.00 .00 May 77.50-78.50 79.00 July 78.75 78.00 78.001 78.90 Oct. 74.50-76.00 75.50 Dec.

67.50b 68.50 Jan. 66.00 Divorce May Be Easy HOLLY WOOD. March 20 (INS) -June Haver, Hollywood film star, probably will get an uncontested divorce after all from her orchestra leader husband, Jimmy Zito. Zito had been expected to file a countersuit. Latest reports, however, indicate he will change his mind.

Campbell's Clinic, Saturday evening, March 20, 1948, at 7:25 o'clock, Charles Haynie Carter, aged 87 years, brother of Miss Annie T. Carter: uncle of Mrs. W. D. Kyser and Mrs.

M. Patten all of this city, W. Swoope of Aurora, and Charles Carter Swoope of Jackson, Miss. Funeral services conducted by Dean William S. Sanders, will be held at the National Funeral Home.

1177 Union tomorrow (Monday) morning at 10:00 o'clock. Friends are invited. Interment in Friendship Cemetery, Como, Miss. JONES Suddenly at the residence, 4281 Pigeon Roost Road, Saturday morning. March 20.

1948, at 1:30 a.m. Bertha Lou Jones, aged 28 years. Survived by Donald husband. James Lee Jones; one son, Lee Jones of this city: mother and father, Jim H. and Dolly Howard: two sisters, Mamie Rose and Lucy Rose Howard, and one brother.

Huber Howard, all of Blue Mountain, Miss. Funeral will take place from the Flatrock Baptist Church Flatrock. Sunday, March 21, 1948, at 2 o'clock. Interment in Flatrock Cemetery, Wood Funeral Home, 872 Poplar in charge. urday MARTIN--At afternoon, March Joseph 20, 1948, Hospital, at 2:40 St.

Sato'clock, Okie Raymond Martin, aged 62 years. Husband Willie PeterRon Martin; father of Ray Martin, Mrs. C. B. Harwood, Mrs.

L. A. McCune, Mrs. Leslie G. Smith; grandfather of Charles Eugene Harwood, Ronald Leslie and Larry Martin Smith, all of this city.

Funeral services conducted by Dr. Ira C. Cole. Dr. C.

C. Grimes will be held at the National Funeral Home 1177 Union Avenue, tomorrow (Monday) morning at 11:00 o'clock. Friends are invited. Interment in Memorial Park. CRAVENS-At Methodist Hospital, Friday evening, March 19, 1948, at 11:25 o'clock, Paul Moore Cravens, aged 10 years.

Son of Mr. and Mrs. John D. Cravens, of this city; grandson of Mrs. C.

Moore, of Dardanelle, and Mrs. Mary Cravens, of Scranton, Ark. Funeral services conducted by Dr. R. H.

Wade and Rev. H. R. Taylor, will be held at the National Funeral Home, 1177 Union Avenue this (Sunday) afternoon at 2:00 o'clock. Friends are invited, Interment in Forest Hill Cemetery.

EVANS At residence, 765 Goodlett Friday afternoon, 19, 1948, at 2:40 o'clock, Mrs. Tennie Fly Evans, aged 83 years. Mother of Mrs. E. H.

Leegan of Bowling Green, Mrs. Richard Groves ot Atlanta, Mrs. W. J. Crawford of Whiteville, Horace Evans of Natchez, Mrs.

Hayes Graham of Fulton, and Dillard M. Evans of this city: sister of Mrs. W. C. Hathaway of Newbern, Tenn.

Funeral cortege will proceed from the National Funera Home, 1177 Union Avenue, this (Sunday) morning at 8:30 o'clock. The body will lie in state at the Methodist Church, Clinton from 1:00 o'clock until 2:00 o'clock at which time services will be conducted by Rev. Jones. Friends are invited. Interment in Clinton, Cemetery.

LANDY-At Methodist Hospital Friday, March 19. at 1 p.m. Marie Brown Landy, aged 24 years. Wife of Ray Landy, Mother of Sharon and Sandra Landy, Daughter of Mr. and Mra.

J. D. Brown. Sister of Jimmy and Billy Brown all of Chaistield. Mra.

B. W. Beene of Hughes, Mrs. Burnice Littlejohn of Earle, Ark. Funeral services conducted by the Rev.

Laighton Scott will be held Sunday afternoon, March 21, at 1:30 p.m. at Citizens Funeral West Memphis. Ark. Frienda are invited. Interment at Pontotoe, MInE.

Kennedv Veterans pital. Thursday morning. March 18. 1948, at 8:20 o'clock: Gustave Eric London. Aged 65 years: husband of Annie Johnson London: father of Mra.

Florence Dahl, Mra. Nadine McKay. All of this city. and Gustave London of Tupelo, Miss. Funeral services conducted by Dr.

R. Paul Caudill, will be held at the Cosmopolitan Funeral Home. 1900 Union Avenue. tomorrow (Mondav) morning at 10:30 o'clock. Friends are invited.

Interment in National Cemetery. MINNIX-At residence. 1304 Cummings Saturday afternoon. March 20. 1948.

at 12:10 o'clock. Mrs. Otis Sleta Minnix: daughter of Mrs. Earl Gilmore of Memphis: sister of Mra. J.

8. DeShazo of Birmingham. granddaughter of Mrs. Mary Jarrard of Haleyville, Ala. Remains will be forwarded from ThompSOn Brothers Mortuary.

257 Adams Ave. this Sunday morning at 9:25 via Frisco Railway to Birmingham, for servIces and interment. OVERTON Suddenly at St. Joseph 20. 1948.

Hospital. Saturday morning. March at 9:30 o'clock. Mrs. Helen K.

Overton: wife of Claude C. Overton: mother of Mra. John Liles, James M. and Misses Helen and Eva Overton, all of this citv, and Jack Overton of La. Charles Overton of Campbellsville, sister of Mra.

Margaret Tyler of Anniston. and Mra. Blanche James of Birmingham, Alabama, Funeral cortege will depart from Thompson Brothers Mortuary. 257 Adams Monday morning at 9 o'clock for St. Thomas Catholic Church (Trigs and Lauderdale) where Mass will be said at 9:30 o'clock, Friends invited.

Interment in Forest Hill Cemetery. SMITH -AL his residence, Harrisburg, March 19, 1948, Jonas Smith, age 89. husband of Lydia Jane Smith; father of A. L. Smith of Harrisburg, James Arthur Smith of Alvion, brother of Mrs.

Ellen Newhouse of Nashville, Ark. Services, conducted the Rev. John Collier. will be held Sunday, March 21. at p.m.

the Harriabura Baptist Church, Interment in the Old Harrisburg City etery, Arrangements by Citizens Funeral Home. West Memphis, Ark. WALTON- At residence, 716 Hernando Friday morning. March 9. 1948.

at 3:00 o'clock, Harry P. Walton, aged 2 years. Husband of Mrs. Lucile Walton, of this city: brother of Mrs. John Beshears, of St.

Louis, Mo. condueted GasFuneral services by Rev. ton W. Duncan, and Rev. Shuster, will be held at the National Funeral Home.

1177 Union Avenue this (Sunday) morning at 11:00 o'clock. Friends are invited. Interment in Westlawn Cemetery, Jonesboro. Ark. (Jonesboro.

and Booneville, papers please copy.) COTTON PLANTING SEED REGISTERED PURPLE TAG Bobshaw Paymaster Rowden Mebane CERTIFIED BLUE TAG Rowden 41B Deltapine 14 Stoneville 2B Coker 100 Wilt Coker 100 Staple NON-CERTIFIED PURE Empire First Year From Breeder Car Lots, Ton Lots, Bag Lots Write for Quotation and Literature ENGLAND PEDIGREED SEED CO. ENGLAND, ARKANSAS PHONE 167 WE BUY LOOSE AND SAMPLE COTTON Damaged Pickings Fire and Water Damaged Bales Fair Values-Immediate Remittances Let Your Shipments-Large or Small Come Forward To Us! PLANTERS GIN Inc. C. H. LOVEJOY, Manager 171 West Mallory Avenue Telephone 35-4471 Memphis 9, Tennessee Died MONUMENTS AND MARKERS See and our markers.

display of Delivery beautiful in 30 days monuments Moderate prices Phone 8-5466. Memorial Studios. 889 Union Avenue. VALL OWEN'S FLOWERS FOR FUNERAL FLOWERS Phone 2-1231 1455 Union Open Sundays Till 1 p.m. FOREST HILL CEMETERY Most beautiful, greater area.

larger care funds, convenient location Burial lots at modest prices. AGNES McKINNON COUGHLIN Sprays and Designs for Funerals FLORIST 9-0389 Brooks Avenue ALBRIGHT At the residence of her granddaughter, Maggie Waller, near Oakland, Friday afternoon, March 19. at o'clock. Parilee Albright, age 80 years. Motner John Albright of Oakland, sister of Roena Davis of 7 Chicago, 12 Ill.

Wake Sunday night from to o'clock at residence of Maggie Waller, Funeral services will be held by Rev. B. L. Rogers and Rev. W.

T. Harris at the Mt. Baptist Church near Macon, Tean. Monday afternoon at o'clock. Intermen.

in church cemetery. Arrangements by the John Wetzler Colored Burial Association, Somerville Tenn, BECTON- Funeral services or the late George Beckton, who died March 15, 1948, at 11:45 a.m. at I. C. Hospital, Chicago, will be held this Monday, March 1948, at St.

Stephen Baptist Church at 11:30 a.m. Rev. J. L. Campbell will officiate.

Wake at our chapel Sunday, March 21, 1948, after 7 until 11 p.m. Active pallbearers: Ike Addison, J. L. Cartwright. James Gaither Crawford and Martin, Friedel Walter Green King, meet at the chapel Monday at 11 a.m.

Interment in Mt. Carmel Annex Cemetery. J. C. Oates Sons Funeral Home, 314 Auction Ave.

Phone 8-1146. BLAYDES At residence. 1266 Nichols Street, Mrs. Thursday, Mary March Blaydes, 18. dear 1948.

mother 4:30 of Mr. and Mrs. George Pender, Rev. and Mrs. Ammon Biaydes, and Mr.

and Mrs. J. B. Blaydes; grandmother of Mr. and Mrs.

Charles Winron, Mr. and Mrs. Carruthers, Mr. and Mrs. Stephens; cousin of Mrs.

Victoria Lightfoot; other relatives and friends survive. Remains at the funeral home Hayes Langston, this Sunday. March 21, 1948, from to 11 p.m. Funeral Monday, March 22, 1948, at 1 p.m., from Pleasant Green Baptist Church, Nichols and Life Street, with Rev. N.

T. Walker officiating. Interment in Rose Hill Cemetery, Hayes Langston, funeral directors, 699 N. Second Street, phone 8-7471. CURSEY Suddenly in Chicago, March 14, 1948, Mr.

Lindsey Dewitt Cursey; beloved son Mrs. Permiller Trainor Mr. Lindsey husband of MrA. Mary L. Curmey; he leaves grandmother, 3 aunt, 1 uncle, stepbrotherk: dear friend of Mr.

and Mra. Harrison Whitley, Mr. and Mra. Willie Scruggs and a host of relatives and friends to mourn his departure. Wake from parlor Monday night from 6 till 11 o'clock, Funeral from parlor Tuesday, March 23, 1948 at 2 p.m.

with Rev. I. Clemons officiating. Interment in Mt. Carmel Annex Cemetery.

Orange Mound Funeral Home in charge, Charles Jones, manager, 4-7331. DONALDSON-At residence, 858-G LeMoyne Park, March 19, 1948. Joseph Donaldson; husband of Mrs. Lillie B. Donaldcon: father of Mra, Grace Green and Joseph Donaldson Jr.

brother of Mra. Annie Williams, Mr. and Mrs. W. M.

Donaidson, Mr. and Mrs. Branch Donaldson: law of Mrs. Oretha Donaldson, and other grandfather of Ronald Green; father-inrelatives and friends. Due notice of funeral will be given.

Arrangements by R. S. Lewis Sons, 374 Vance Avenue. FOX- At U. S.

Veteran Hospital, March 20, 1948, Mr. General Fox husband of Mrs. Retha Mae Fox. Remains will be forwarded to Starkville, this Sunday for funeral services and interment. T.

H. Hayes Sons, 660 S. Lauderdale St. Veteran Contract Undertakers. Phone 5-3518.

HORTON--At her residence, 632 N. Second Street, Thursday, March 18. 1948, at 8 p.m., Mrs. Thursday Horton. beloved mother of Mesdames Blanche McClatchie and Estella Parker and Mr.

Sidney Horton; she leaves 15 grandchildren, and seven great grandchildren; aunt of Mrs. Julie Brown of Chicago, mother-in-law of Mr. Dewitt Parker and Mr. Beverly McClatchie; other relatives and friends survive. Remains at the funeral home of Hayes Langston this Sunday, March 21, 1948, from to 11 p.m.

Funeral Monday, March 22, 1948, at 8 p.m., from Ebenezer Baptist Church, with Rev. E. L. Slay, Rev. E.

Long and Rev. Wm. Fields officiating. Interment in Pleasant Chapel Cemetery. Union Protective Assurance Hayes Langston, funeral directors, 699 N.

Second Street, phone 8-7471. KYLES- Suddenly at John Gaston Hospital March 20, 1948, Mrs. Pearline Kyles; daughter of Mrs. Georgia Young and Wesley Parks; stepdaughter of Johnny Young: sister of L. J.

Jones, Mra. Susie Pruitt: sister-in-law of Mrs. Cora Lee Jones, Willie Pruitt, and other relatives and friends. Due notice of funeral will be given. Arrangements by R.

S. Lewis Sons, 374 Vance Avenue. MACK SEBRON- At residence. 150 8. Fourth Connie Mack Sebron: father of George and Connie Sebron dear friend of John Milla Sr.

and Mr. and Mrg. Walter Culpepper, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Steinberg, Mr.

and Mra, Ed Wilson, Mesdames Quilla White, Ollie Jones, Mamie Loving. Mamie Robinson, Edna Porter, Isabel Baker. Nora Matthews, Menara, Sam Nevilles, Tom Clark, John Motley, James Jackson, Charlie Fowler, George Hawkins, and other relatives and friends. Due notice of funeral will be given. Arrangements by R.

S. Lewis Sons, 374 Vance Avenue. TUCKER AL residence, 363. Cynthia Place. Friday, March 19, 1948.

Mrs. Epsie Tucker, mother of Mr. James and Jerry Jackson: sister of Mrs. Nannie Evans of Hernando, Mrs. Maggie George of this city, Mr.

Jerry and Westley Tucker; grandmother of Ruth and Grace Jackson. aunt of Mr. Sam and Mrs. Sarah Richardson. Mrs.

Maggie Smith. Mrs. Adelia Mae Evans of Hernando. Sam and Frances Tucker of Chicago, Charlie and Johnnie Evans, Mrs. Emma Hutchin of Detroit, Lewis.

George and Charlie White: mother-in-law of Mra. Mary Jackson: mister-in-law Mra. Cornelius Tucker: dear friend of Mrs. Joste Robinson. Mrs.

Mary Cannon. Mrs. Jannie Brooks, Mrs. Minnie Grant and other relatives and friends, Due notice of funeral will given by W. Quails 479 Vance phone 8-2181.

ISOM-At John Gaston Hospital Sature day, March 20, 1948, at 6:15 p.m., Mrs. Eula Isom, mother of Spellmyer, Washington and Minnetta Sorrell; sister of Miss L. A. Campbell, Mesdames Ada Terrell, Otelia Marshall. Dezzie Christmas, and Mr.

William Henry Campbell: mother-inlaw of Mrs. Marion F. Sorrell; other relatives and friends survive. Due notice of time and place of funeral will be given. Southern Funeral Home, 440 Vance, phone 37-7311.

LONG--At John Gaston Hospital, Friday, March wife 19, of 1948. Mike Mrs. Edna Mother Long, of beloved Long. Clinton Nash. Grandmother of Brown.

Robert Lillie Wilson. Sister of Mrs. Viola Mae Gilmore and J. H. Harvey of this Ill.

city, A host of other relatives and friends and Mr. Tobe Lawshe of Chicago. to mourn their loss. Funeral will be held our Chapel Monday, night, March 22. 1948.

at 8 Rev. L. 0. Taylor oftery Tuesday morning, at 10 a.m. Naficiating.

Interment in New Park Cemetional Monarch Home. Home of the Cutis Thomas. 1231 Latham Street. Phone 9-3304, 9-3305. Carlean J.

Smith, directress. GRAFTON At John Gaston Hospital. March 16, 1948. Mary B. Grafton, wife of Mr.

Eli Grafton: mother of Mr. William Shade, Jannie Mae Shade: dear friend of Mrs. Lois Davis, Mrs. Sylvester Mason, Mrs Lucille Bradley Miss Mary Wilson, cousin of Mrs. Lena Walker and other relatives and friends.

Wake in our chapel this Sunday after 7 until 11 p.m. Funeral services, conducted by Rev. 0 A. Coleman, will be held tomorrow (Monday) morning at 11 a.m. from our chapel Interment in Union Forever Cemetery.

W. Qualls 479 Vance in charge, Phone 8-2181. HUTCH--At residence. 639 Polk. Friday, March 19.

1948. at 6:30 Mrs. p.m.. Mable Mr. Hutch; Chester Hutch, husband of uncle of Miss Elsie Lee Spight: brother of Elvis Fred, Eurmon and Obie Hutch: brother-in-law of Mrs.

Savannah Hutch, Mrs. Ruth Chair and Luberta Fuqua: father of Mrs. Catherine Trice: grandfather of Mrs. Elmer Person; other tives and friends survive. Services in Jackson, Monday, March 22.

1948, at 2 p.m., with Rev. B. S. Goodman and Rev. R.

S. Brooks officiating. Interment in Elmwood Cemetery. Jackson, Tenn, Southern Funeral Home, 440 Vance. Phone 37-7311.

KERNEY-At the residence of his son. Butler Kerney Jr. in Whitehaven, March 16, at 9 a.m., Butler Kerney age 87. Father of Butler Kerney Jr. of Whitehaven: Hattie Relford, Love, Miss.

Four grandchildren and 12 children. Funeral services conducted by Rev. Lee Porter Harris and Rev. L. B.

Blake will 11 a.m. Burial in Oak Hill Cemetery. Herbe held at Oak Hill Sunday, March 21, at nando Funeral Home in charge of menta. RICHMOND- At the residence. 164T Monsarrat Street, died at 10:35 a.m.

Mr. Alex Richmond, husband of Mrs. Moud Richmond. father of Mr. Harry Richmond, brother of Mrs.

Barbie McGee and Nellie Polk of this city. Mrs. Ada Richmond. Mrs. Essie Akers of Coldwater.

Mra. Emma Rucker of St. Louis. Mr. and Mrs.

Dan Richmond of Victor, other relatives and friends to mourn their loss. Due notice of time and place of funeral Ready Burial Association Contract. Beilevue Funeral Home in charge. 1299 North Bellevue. Phone 5-1707 or 5-1708.

G. E. Williams, manager. WILLIAMSON- At residence. Saturday, March 20.

1948, Mrs. Lula Williamson. aunt of Elder E. Brooks, Rev. N.

E. Brooks. Mesdames Eva Casey, Katie NayJor. Otha and Fisher Brooks, all of this city, Mesdames Alice Henry and Mary Green, both of Chicago, Spencer Brooks of Gary. Ind.

Cousin of Mrs. Violet Wright of Holly Springs, dear friend of Mr. and Mrs. Reed. Mr.

and Mrs. J. Beauchamp: other relatives and friends survive. Due notice of time and place of funeral will be given. Southern Funeral Home, 440 Vance.

Phone 37-7311. WILSON- -At John Gaston Hospital. Wednesday, March 17, 1948. at 12:30 p.m.. Mr.

John Vilson. husband of Mra. Aretta Wilson: father of Mrs. Mamie Taylor, Henry W. Young stepfather of Mrs.

Lorene Thomas: brother of Megdames Annie Atwater, Sallie Jackson and Carrie Pryor and Wilburn Wilson of this city, Thomas Wilson and Mrs. Willie Delaney of Omaha. of Mrs. Rosie Young: six grandchildren: devoted friend of Lucy Bobo; other relatives and friends survive. Body will lie in state at the funeral parlor.

Sunday. March 21, 1948. from 6 until 10 p.m. Services in our chapel Monday. March 22.

1948. at 11 a.m.. with Rev. C. J.

Patterson officiating. Interment in New Park Cemetery. Southern Funeral Home. 440 Vance, Phone 37-7311. YOUNG -At U.

S. Veteran HospitaL March 20, 1948. Mr. Robert Lee Young. husband of Mrs.

Gertrude Young. Remains will be forwarded to Clarksdale, for interment this Monday, March 22nd. T. H. Hayes Sons, 880 Lauderdale St.

Contract Veteran Undertakers. Phone 5-3518. Died 59 78 78 Died Net Sales in do pf 1.15 North Tel 31.50 Norw 1 0 Ohio Oil 36 Oliver Crp xdo pf 30 Omnib Corp Otis Elev Out Ow Ill Gla -P- Pac E12 Pac Pac Light 3.. Mills 3b xPac 1e Pac Tin Cons Pac Oil 12 Pack Mot 58 Am gl 42 Pan Am Petie Panh EPL 3 Para Cos Param Pic 2 55 Park 3 Park Dav Pat Min Penn JC 2a Pen Cent Airl 0000.00 Pen Dix Cem Penn 31 Penn RR 261 Pepsi-Cola. 70a Pet Corp 60g Pfizer.

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60 Superhtr In 101 1e 8 SupSteella SwiftIntl. 40e 10 Sym TennCorp. 55e 3 30 TPALTr1.30g 12 PacRy4 22 22 1 50 48 50 39 39 15 15 15 25 24 25 28 28 17 25 25 25 25 21 221 921 59 591 59 40 39 40 74 264 26 26 12 12 12 35 34 34 291 29 29 13 16 14 12 18 18 96 96 96 51 b1 hi 36 36 36 21 20 211 150 148 150 17 32 20 19 20 18 561 551 55 55 45 31 31 50 50 60 ThermCo 20 20 Thm (JR). 156 10 10 10 Thom 49 49 Thom-Star 20a 261 20 J. W.

NORRIS Inc. We Service Liberty National Life Ins. Co. Burial Policies Ambulance Service 1200 UNION PHONE 2-1221 Wood's Funeral Home Formerly J. J.

Collins We Recognize and Service All Burial Insurance Policies 872 Poplar Phone 8-0467 J. T. Hinton Son FUNERAL DIRECTORS Phone 2-2345 36 53 21 29 WHY SHOP AROUND? for all your industrial supplies THERE'S ONE HANDY SOURCE! you need industrial supplies, try Lewis first. Large, complete inventory assures prompt shipment of your orders. Lewis represents leading national manufacturers of industrial supplies and equipment.

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Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

Birthday: 1999-09-15

Address: 8416 Beatty Center, Derekfort, VA 72092-0500

Phone: +6838967160603

Job: Mining Executive

Hobby: Woodworking, Knitting, Fishing, Coffee roasting, Kayaking, Horseback riding, Kite flying

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Refugio Daniel, I am a fine, precious, encouraging, calm, glamorous, vivacious, friendly person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.